Medical microneedling is a procedure designed to enhance & improve skin complexion via activation of the skin’s natural regenerative processes which stimulates collagen synthesis. With expert precision, technique and timing, medical microneedling triggers growth factors for building new collagen. Very tiny needles are used to penetrate the top layer of the skin vertically causing localised and controlled damage without substantially affecting the structure of the epidermis. The creation of controlled microchannels in the skin instigates the regeneration of skin cells via a natural process of healing. Awakening the fibroblast that lies within the deeper layers of the skin, and in turn healthy collagen is naturally produced.
The gentle stimulus provided by medical microneedling is considered far more effective than many other more invasive and expensive skincare treatments. It is a quick & easy technique with little downtime. After a course of treatments, skin structure is visibly revitalised, rejuvenated, replenished and regenerated.
The EXCEED medical microneedling device is clinically proven to visibly reduce wrinkles & treat acne scarring, in particular, to reduce the depth of scars and to normalise the skin structure.
Bringing floating needle tip plates which glide over the contours of the skin, whisper quiet operation, advancements in precision and Medical Clearance (TGA, FDA and MedSafe), enabling us to offer our clients a whole new level of treatment, safety and results.
For a treatment to be comfortable, the device used needs to be oscillating fast enough to create sufficient vibration and effectively block pain signals. Most pens on the market sit around the 100 oscillations per second on their highest setting. The Exceed has a working range of 100 – 150 Hz (oscillations). For every second the Exceed cartridge is in contact with the skin it is possible to create upto 900 punctures. This allows us to achieve an end point much faster and with far less trauma which is great for our clients comfort.
Each cartridge goes through extensive magnified photographic testing prior to being approved and sent out our service. The needles in the Exceed cartridges are housed on a floating plate which ensures the needles always enter the skin perpendicularly. This improves efficiency of treatment and our clients comfort.
It is important that the device we use during treatment has enough power to effectively puncture but also pull out of the clients skin. This ensures the channels made will close quickly and minimise any dragging, catching or tearing of the skin.
60 MIN
45 MIN
Depends on the age and skin condition being treated. A skin needling consultation is highly recommended for all clients looking to undergo needling.
This treatment can be performed on clients looking to conceive, currently pregnant or nursing, if you're an existing client and have undergone needling before at SLSKIN
Please discontinue products containing any exfoliating agents or active ingredients: vitamin a or c, retinoic acid, tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, astringents, etc. 2-3 days prior to treatment.
Do not spray or self-tan, wax or shave 24-48 hours. Drink plenty of water & practice strict sun proTection 4 weeks prior. Bring a hat on the day if it's sunny.
Please wait 2 weeks after laser, ipl, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, injectables or other related treatments before receiving skin needling.
Immediately Post Needling:
Avoid heat, saunas, hot tubs, chlorine, spray or self-tanning
exercise and sweaty activity for 24 hours. No makeup for 72hrs.
For the first 5 to 7 days, Please discontinue products containing any exfoliating agents or active ingredients: vitamin a or c, retinoic acid, tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, astringents, etc.
Apply SPF 30 or greater and reapply often. Be careful of sun exposure; as this may cause hyperpigmentation.
Please wait 2 weeks between laser, ipl, chemical peels, microdermabrasion or other related treatments after receiving skin needling.
Aftercare Post Needling:
You might experience a purge, redness, heat, swelling, mild skin sensitivity, windburn sensation, slight peeling, blotchiness and/or trigger a histamine response resulting in itchiness or bumps for the first few days.
Do not pick, scratch, or aggressively rub the treated area. If itching and swelling persists use an antihistamine or contact us.
Skin care products may tingle or slightly burn for the first couple of days, use the cleanser and moisturiser provided twice daily for a minimum of 3 days post treatment. Gentle hydration products are highly advised if sensitivity continues after this period, otherwise you may commence with your standard routine.
You may commence LED after 3 days and use the enzyme and hydration mask provided on day 3-4, depending on sensitivity.
Rinse the skin with water and pat dry/do not rub. Avoid harsh cleansers or washcloths. Luke warm water is highly advised. Mineral make-up can be worn the following day post treatment.
Avoid heat, saunas, hot tubs, hot water, chlorine, makeup and sweaty activity for 48-72 hours; this includes exercise of any kind. Avoid facial waxing for 7 days.
For the first 5-7 days, Please discontinue products containing any exfoliating agents or active ingredients: vitamin a or c, retinoic acid, tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, salicylic acid and astringents. Unless advised otherwise. No scrubs, polishers, or aggressive cleansing brushes should be used for 7-14 days.
You should take extra precautions to guard against sun exposure immediately after and 2 weeks following the procedure. Use a sunscreen with zinc or SPF 30 and reapply often and wear a hat in addition to sunscreen. Avoid direct sunlight and take precautions with general sun exposure.
Please wait 2 weeks between laser, IPL, injectables, chemical peels, dermaplaning, microdermabrasion or other related treatments before or after receiving skin needling.
Please wait 4 weeks post needling before receiving a HIFU session and 2 weeks after HIFU before receiving a skin needling session.
Skin Needling is not recommended for:
Before any micro-needling sessions, a consultation is performed. This is to ensure we are treating your specific skin concerns in a safe, effective and results based manner. This is required for new clients looking to undergo this treatment. Alternatively, a facial can be booked prior where needling can be discussed.